
Jesus was God. Jesus was with God. And Jesus was the beginning of all things. Without Jesus, nothing would have been created or would have existed. Jesus did not come into existence 2000 years ago - He was always present. The astonishing thing is that 2000 years ago, God came to the very Earth He created in the form of created man. Jesus submitted himself to the constraints of humanity, in order to save humanity as a Man. Some people (whom God created) chose to reject the un-created Jesus, but there are others who accepted Him as their Creator, Savior, and Brother. Without Jesus, the life and light of our purpose, being, meaning, and future has no substance or meaning for all eternity (paraphrased from John 1:1-18).

Jesus and His sacrifice of dying on the cross at the hands of men, opened the way back to God after mankind closed the door on God through our rebellion and religion. In John 14:6, Jesus said He is the only way back into relationship with God.

Jesus proved His Divinity by resurrecting from the dead. Having accomplished His purpose, Jesus left the Earth to return to God. In John 14:15-27, Jesus said He will not leave us like orphans, but will send His Spirit, the Holy Spirit to be with us always. Jesus' Spirit comforts and guides us every moment of every day, lavishing God's Love on us by His Grace and Goodness. The Holy Spirit continually remind us of Jesus, His work of salvation, and His unconditional Love towards us forever. Holy Spirit helps us to overcome the rebellion of religion and come into freedom to worship God, be loved by Him, and experience His unadulterated, undiluted Life and Light.


If you have not encounter Jesus outside of a book or conversation, we encourage you to pray right now and accept Him as your God, Savior, and friend. Acknowledge His sacrifice for your mistakes, and allow Him to take away your debt through His sacrifice. You will feel His presence through the Holy Spirit come around you and Love you like never before.

We would love to hear from you, and get you connected with people who can love you and encourage you on your journey.